Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Should You Even Wear White?

   It's something most of us have to suffer year round, but it is officially that time so many of us single folk dread. WEDDING SEASON. I'm sure this whole post will make me, or all single people, sound bitter during this time of the year, but it is simply not the case! I haven't had the joy of being a groomsmen or a groomsmaid, but I love going to weddings. Mainly if an open bar is involved, but that is besides the point. I also haven't been to a wedding that involved one of my closest friends, so I will admit I am a little biased on the whole wedding season ordeal so keep on reading if you want to hear my opinion. To the men reading this, it's called wedding season for a reason, so be a little more creative with those proposals, unless of course she is determined to have in this period then live on the edge! I'm not saying break out the flash mob, but we believe in you.

   I have a number of friends who are super talented photographers and I know they make money taking engagement photos but some of the poses, which I know are sometimes couples ideas, make me want to cry. I really don't need to see how many ways you can hold hands in a green pasture in your Sunday's best. Find a couple good photos, stick with that and share with the world. I don't need to see the color version, the black and white version, the sepia tone version, that's for you and the photographer to mull over and share with your family. I know we have family on social media, but don't mind the other 500+ people you have on your list that are forced to suffer. Photographer friends, you're all amazing, keep up the good work, not putting this on you all at all!

   Back to the proposals, unless he/she did it in a really cool way I don't care to see it. Most of us know how proposals work when they get on one knee and ask. Again, I get wanting to film it for the memory and sharing with family, but most of us don't care. If he asks while hang gliding or after coming in riding on a polar bear then I'm sure I can get the gist of how it went down. All I know is, marriage is an amazing thing and I'm happy for anyone who gets the joy of marriage, I'm waiting on you Kentucky to let me do the same. Marriage isn't always what we think it's going to be, look at Carrie and Big, I'm still bitter about that scenario, but that could be a whole other post.

   Don't worry, those of us not getting married will slap on that happy face and attend your wedding with our other single friends who don't even know you as our date. Just make sure that open bar is stocked heavily for those of us refusing to do the chicken dance on the dance floor with your aunt. Cheers.

Here to say it,

What You Waiting For? // Gwen Stefani